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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Can I Lower My Life Insurance Premiums?

A life insurance policy can give you peace of mind knowing that your family will be provided for if anything should happen to you. Unfortunately, many people put off this critical task, in many cases due to concerns about cost. A major factor affecting your premiums is the rating the insurance company assigns you based on an assessment of your health and lifestyle. There are...

Save Money During The Hot Summer Months

We all want to save money on home expenses and have more to spend on the finer things in life. When the seasons change, so do the money-saving strategies. The following are some tips on how to save money during the hot summer months. Replace AC Filters Regularly Filters for air conditioning units are inexpensive, and it makes sense to replace them frequently. Dirty air...

Need Motorcycle Insurance?

If you have recently purchased a motorcycle or are searching for a better option for motorcycle insurance in the area, we are here to help. The team at our agency lives and works in the local area, and we are committed to serving our community of motorcycle riders. We know you need coverage that gives you the highest level of protection at the lowest cost,...

3 Key Differences Between Whole Life Insurance & Term Life Insurance

Insurance can be a confusing subject, and at our local agency, we want to clear up some basic questions for you. Most families put some type of life insurance in place, and figuring out whether they should buy "whole life insurance" or "term insurance" is the big question. These are very different insurance products, each with pros and cons. 1. Term life insurance is cheaper,...

Save Cash With These Summer Home Tips

Summer is here, and with hot weather comes rising electric bills and other costly household expenses. None of these money-saving tips are particularly costly, but each of them can contribute to turning your home into a more comfortable place to escape the blazing summer sun. Replace your air filters in your air conditioner and vents. Accumulated dust, dirt, and other allergens can all cause your system to work less...